Jufer's Talk on Interacting With Children
In a bid to be "the best that we can be", we asked Jufer Villanueva to share his experiences in dealing with children while at Bradford Woods Outdoor Center, Indiana University. Since everybody's busy during the workweek, we scheduled it on a Wednesday, right after the 5:30 p.m. Mass. A few still could not make it but 8 out of 11 presiders were able to come.
Before that, though, we had to have a quick carbohydrate fix of juice and mamon to tide us over until our late suppers, so we could concentrate on the talk. Shown from left are: Monica, Maria, Ari, Lycar and Ruth Mae. Behind them are Leonard and Jufer. Ronald arrived a little later.

During Jufer's talk, Maria and Lycar shared their own experiences. Maria told everybody that she talked to Fr. Balongag right after the Mass and got his okey on the CLOW sharing to include other activities like drawing. She said that when she and her husband Terry used to facilitate Engagement Encounters in the U.S., they even went as far as constantly rearranging the entire set-up, moving the chairs and other furniture around, to keep these adults interested.
Leonard, on the other hand, shared his experiences handling Catechism classes this summer, when he would often start with a game to engage the children. At his request, we will research on whether or not the 1st Reading can be at times omitted to make more time for interaction with the children. [Yes, according to the guides, the leaders have the option of using one, two or three readings, for as long as the Gospel Acclamation and the Gospel are always included]
Everybody enthusiastically agreed to the changes/addition of other activities since we are all still trying to find our bearings. We welcome changes that would make CLOW more meaningful and yet more interesting and enjoyable for the children.

Ari, whose work has taken her away for months and who's trying to catch up on CLOW activities, listened intently as Jufer shared the following main points.

On Interacting With Children:
Before that, though, we had to have a quick carbohydrate fix of juice and mamon to tide us over until our late suppers, so we could concentrate on the talk. Shown from left are: Monica, Maria, Ari, Lycar and Ruth Mae. Behind them are Leonard and Jufer. Ronald arrived a little later.

During Jufer's talk, Maria and Lycar shared their own experiences. Maria told everybody that she talked to Fr. Balongag right after the Mass and got his okey on the CLOW sharing to include other activities like drawing. She said that when she and her husband Terry used to facilitate Engagement Encounters in the U.S., they even went as far as constantly rearranging the entire set-up, moving the chairs and other furniture around, to keep these adults interested.
Leonard, on the other hand, shared his experiences handling Catechism classes this summer, when he would often start with a game to engage the children. At his request, we will research on whether or not the 1st Reading can be at times omitted to make more time for interaction with the children. [Yes, according to the guides, the leaders have the option of using one, two or three readings, for as long as the Gospel Acclamation and the Gospel are always included]
Everybody enthusiastically agreed to the changes/addition of other activities since we are all still trying to find our bearings. We welcome changes that would make CLOW more meaningful and yet more interesting and enjoyable for the children.

Ari, whose work has taken her away for months and who's trying to catch up on CLOW activities, listened intently as Jufer shared the following main points.

On Interacting With Children:
- Create the environment. Visual elements, as well as the chance to make music and "do stuff" should be given prominence. It is most important, however, that the leaders themselves be enthusiastic and be full of energy because the children will quickly notice this and take their cue from it.
- Framing. When the concept is too broad, get the children engaged by using elements, objects, events, even cartoon shows, with which they are more familiar.
- Yes or No. To start the children participating in discussions, begin with questions that can be answered with either a Yes or a No. This lessens the "pressure" somewhat and success at answering these questions, is guaranteed to get them ready for more involved ones.
- Simplify questions. Once the children's attention has been caught, and if there is a need for them, ask questions that are as simple as possible.
- Be Creative. Working or interacting with children means the leaders have to be always on their toes. Being creative means "doing your homework" and being prepared.
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