CLOW Teambuilding Workshop with Jufer, Sunday April 17

Eleven o'clock and time to start. Teambuilding facilitator Jufer Villanueva, who volunteered to help us, is between Maria and Terry.

Teams Frog and Bird (background) discussing thoughts and expectations about the CLOW ministry.

Team Fish decided they wanted to pose for their photo.

Lunch. Beautiful view of sea, sky and the southernmost tip of Cebu island. We thank Aura's grandmother for welcoming us into her home - one with probably the most breathtaking view on the entire Negros Island!

G and Reena, "Head to shoulder...left elbow to left elbow...", yet it's not a new dance step :-)

Ooops, made a mistake. Apparently it was "Head to shoulder...elbow to elbow...", then "ankle to ankle." On second thought, it DOES look like a silly new dance step, Stacy, Socorro, Aura and Marvin!

Well, there you go! That's the "head to foot" part of the dance.

Terry, I think you should switch with Reena for this. Really.

And I got it on digital camera, AE! This augurs well for the CLOW Family, you know.

Setting up the next challenge with the first volunteer, Theya, who'd volunteered without knowing what was going to happen next. Did she come to regret it?

Apparently not.

Terry, The Cookie, going thru the machine. See how everyone's straining to process this cookie? Maria's long gone; couldn't stop laughing, the poor girl. :-)

Finally! and just about time, too, becauseTreana doesn't look like she has the energy left to hold up her dad.

I have no idea what this activity is called but it took the groups a long time to transfer their tennis ball from one peg to another located 20-30m away.

All four groups had to start from the beginning again if a team dropped its ball - and Jufer had eagle eyes. The group in the back just finished and was probably the most coordinated since they went over the most obstacles: the palm leaf-covered boat in the foreground, a set of plastic benches at left and the metal garden set.

Ok, this is the More Mature Persons' group, the group that caused all the others some "anguish". Well, was it our fault that our tennis ball was more feisty and didn't want to stay on that ring? So, we decided to have some coffee while the other groups perfected their techniques, and our own ball got sunburned enough to stay put. After coffee and some cookies, voila! We transferred it in no time flat!

Wrapping up, figuring out what we'd learned about ourselves and our ONE team. One thing we came up with: a monthly meeting at the Marian Hall every 4th Sunday.
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